#social 2015-04-13

2015-04-13 UTC
bengo and danbri joined the channel
pfefferle and bengo joined the channel
pfefferle joined the channel
booked flight and Aliiance hotel paris, sun -> wed
nickstenn and pfefferle joined the channel
elf-pavlik: "Thank you for dedicating your time to such solid analysis of this issue! I just added it to the agenda for our next meeting."
I thought you wanted to freeze the agenda by friday?? :)
cwebber2, yes but i also don't want that we only have topics on it which i focus on...
maybe you would also like to speak about "Transient/ephemeral activities? Keeping all activities around, forever?"
I would love to have that conversation
it has been on my mind a lot lately
i am working on a reply post to amy's now. I may draft something in response to that issue later
danbri and AnnB joined the channel
harry and tilgovi joined the channel
bengo, oshepherd, harry, danbri and AnnB joined the channel